Security Codes

Third Thursday Webinar Series: Security Settings

Security is an important component to running a business, and Counterpoint’s security is no exception. Security settings in Counterpoint can limit what information your end users can view, what actions they can take, and how much they can change Counterpoint’s functionality. Join Amanda at 2 pm ET on Thursday, September 17th for an overview of Counterpoint’s security settings. Link:

Security Codes

Security codes are the basis for what a user can or cannot do within Counterpoint. They define which menu code is assigned to users and whether they can perform point of sale functions like processing returns. By default, we program three security code levels for you: Administrator, Manager, and Point of Sale. The administrator level allows the most access to the application, and the point of sale level allows a user the least access to the application. Though there are three levels by default, you can add more to suit your business needs and roles within your organization. Maybe you need something between a Manager level and a Point of Sale level for your assistant managers. Security Codes are defined in user settings.

System Security Codes

System Security Codes define what a user may do in the Counterpoint application.

  1. From the Launchpad, select Setup → System → Security Codes

  1. Enter or look up a System Security Code
    NOTE: You can copy a System Security Code by entering a new Code and clicking the Copy From icon in the toolbar to copy the nearest security level.

Important Settings within System Security Codes

Setting What does the setting mean?
Menu Code What menu setup is used for this group of users. If a function is not on the user’s menu, they cannot complete the associated action.
Allow Cost Entry checkbox Can the user enter how much an item cost your business?
View Costs checkbox Can the user view how much an item cost your business?
Allow Other Locations checkbox Can the user view information about other inventory locations?
Allow Other Stores checkbox Can the user move between stores?
Unlock Others’ Stations Can the user unlock Counterpoint if the station locks?

For more information about what each System Security Setting does, see Section 6 of the Counterpoint Training Manual.

Point of Sale Security Codes

Point of Sale Security Codes define what a group of users can do within Touchscreen Ticket Entry. To access Point of Sale Security Codes to make edits or additions:

  1. From the Launchpad, select Setup → Point of Sale → Point of Sale Security Codes

  1. Enter or look up a Point of Sale Security Code
    NOTE: You can copy a Point of Sale Security Code by entering a new Code and clicking the Copy From icon in the toolbar to copy the nearest security level.
Setting What does the setting mean?
Void Completed Docs Can the user void a transaction that has already been completed?
Perform ‘No-Sale’ Can the user open the cash drawer without a transaction?
Allow Discounts Can the user discount items?
Allow Return Lines Can the user process a return?
Allow Validated Returns Can the user process a validated return?
Bypass Drawer Alarm Can the user leave the cash drawer open after completing a transaction and still begin processing the next transaction?

For more information about what each System Security Setting does, see Section 6 of the Counterpoint Training Manual.

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