Notice: Counterpoint Email Affected by Office 365 Requirements

Microsoft has announced that it is changing its requirements for sending mail from 3rd party applications, including Counterpoint. As of October 1, all Office 365 accounts will require Two Factor Authentication (2FA) which Counterpoint does not support.

What Will Happen?

After October 1, 2022, if you are still trying to use an Office 365 account to send emails from Counterpoint, you will get this error or something similar when attempting to send an email from Counterpoint:

What Can You Do?

There are three options for you if use Office 365 SMTP mail through Counterpoint:

  1. Update your Office 365 Account and Counterpoint to:
  2. Choose another email provider and get the SMTP settings configured in Counterpoint’s Management Console
  3. Stop emailing receipts and reports directly from Counterpoint (you will still be able to save/export the receipt or
    report and attach it to an email if necessary)

How Can i3 POS Help?

i3 Point of Sale cannot make recommendations on which SMTP platform to use, but once you have selected an option, our support team can assist with updating Counterpoint’s Management Console with your new credentials. You do not need to wait until October 1st or later to make these updates. Please contact support by emailing [email protected] or calling 877-809-9980 and in the phone tree selecting Option 2, Option 1, Option 1, Option 1.

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