What Items Are You Not Making Enough Profit On?

To keep your business as healthy as it can be, it is a good idea to keep an idea on your least profitable items. Here are steps you can use to run a report on your least profitable items.1. Select Sales History → Reports → Sales Analysis by Group Report

2. In the Group by drop-down, select (Ticket History Line) Item Number

3. In the Print drop-down, choose bottom and enter the number of items you want to see on the report

4. In the Print in order by field choose Profit $ or Profit %

5. Enter a date range for the report

6. (Optional) Change your store or click the All Stores button

7. Your parameters tab should look like:

8. Click the Select columns tab

9. (Optional) Choose different columns

10. Uncheck boxes for dollar and quantity rounding

11. (Optional) Use the Ticket History Line tab to filter for certain groups of items (e.g. items in a specific category or items from a specific vendor

12. Click Preview to preview your results


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